Monday, June 23, 2008

Milwaukee Bicycle Company

Is it a single speed, or a fixie? What's up with the barend gear shifter?

This bike features a Sturmey Archer, 1963, three speed hub built into a Mavic Open Pro rim--very smooth. The "second gear" gearing is perfect for over 80% of riding here in Wisconsin and Illinois, but the addition of the "third gear" (1.5 times the straight ratio on the bike) makes the bike super usable on down hills and when the group puts the hammer down. I seldom use first gear, but it did save my rear on "The Wall", which is the back side of the Alpine valley ski hill. The move to moustashe bars was wise--nothing climbs like m-bars on a ss, or fixie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a thing of beauty.